Pictographs Final


This process took a while for me because first I wanted to research a place that either had pictographic images that I thought I would like to redesign or one that I felt needed them. This took a few days to final decide on an airport, because most of us have been to an airport and noticed that there really are not any pictographs that explain to people of different languages what is going on with their flight or the images are older and needed to be redesigned. I drew 10 thumbnails for this specific image idea, reviewed them and got critiqued by peers and my professor. From those I designed 7 roughs in illustrator, which are on this blog in a previous post, after which I was critiqued again by my class and established that there were 5 images that I would like to fully clean and make my final. These are at the top in PDF form in a single document and are ready to be viewed and critiqued again for further changes even after the assignment is done.

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